Friday was a happy day
The night before, my darling sister, won 'Media Professional of the Year' at the Asian Women's Achievement Awards. She beat several other women, some of whom had been journalists for over 15 years and had produced BBC documentaries and the like. This is a shout out to my best friend, and most patient, loving sister who I am so so proud of! Right - Check out the link for the awards.
Then, on Friday I also had my 'Government and Politics of South Asia' exam, which I am happy to announce, went so bloody well, it's most likely the best exam I have ever written in my entire degree! And the reason why this makes me OH-SO-FRIGGIN-HAPPY is because it was also my favourite ever course in uni. I don't think many students are lucky enough to come out of uni, having found a subject they are really, really passionate about. Something they want to make their life's work.
With this module, every class I came out of with my mouth open in wonder, running back to my sister and telling her what I'd learnt that day all because it was just so fascinating and eye-opening. Politics of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, communalism, the politics of religion, partition history, diaspora and the politics of identity. I think a huge part of my fascination for this subject was obviously due to being of Bangladeshi origin, and even the politics of diaspora and identity was so relevant to my family's background as an immigrant family. It explained so much.
I also finally understand what Politics is about, and I've realised I love it. It's ironic because I actually chose Development as my major, and Politics my minor, but it's turned out the opposite at the end of 3 years, that my real interest lies in Politics. I finally understand why people say, 'If anybody says they're not interested in Politics, or it isn't relevant to their lives, they're clearly not interested in Life itself'. I wholeheartedly agree.
I'm actually considering doing a masters in South Asian Politics now. The idea of being a journalist who specialises in South Asian politics is so exciting! Imagine covering stories on communalism, regionalism and religious riots! Somebody hold me! :D
You have to congrat Khala behalf of me and the family. Happy and excited for her.
So politics huh... :D Can't wait to read your future work, "Guerilla war in some asian forrest" "Downfall of the Bangladeshi goverment".. and so on.. :-P
Development is where politics gets down and dirty with economics. Much more satisfying I assure you.... :-)
lol - yes I discovered that during my Politics of Development course! Economics was never really my thing though... :P
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