Monday, December 18, 2006

I realized I haven’t updated on the apartment situation since moving in….two words…LOVING IT! I seriously feel like I am living in the lap of luxury (by cairo standards). Some might say (yes you know who you are) that living on an 18th floor penthouse is giving me a big head. I wouldn’t disagree so easily!

And yes, it’s true you can see the Pyramids from my balcony! In fact, if my curtains aren’t drawn, I can sit up and see them from the comforts of my own bed. Every morning, I get up, go out on to my balcony and say hello to Cairo. The noise of the traffic, the crisp Cairo winter morning shielded by the hot sun on my face, and of course the gorgeous view……pretty sweet for a wake-up call.

Nay-Nay and I already have a routine. Every evening we laze out on our living room couch, which is an amazingly cosy L-shape, turn the heater on - get on our laptops and waste the hours away. Sometimes we’re so lazy we even IM each other on gmail and facebook. I’m so glad she understands me! We do however have a New Years resolution. After Jan 1, we’re only allowed a maximum of 1 hour internet lazing time on the couch, after that we have go out and enjoy Cairo for what it is! And if that doesn’t work, Resolution #2 is to break both laptops.

And did I mention that my new roomie is a fantastic dancer?? Nay-Nay has been dancing since she was 3 and she rocks every single party we have here….so I get a grrrreat view and free dance lessons. What a sweet deal! :D


Nay-Nay said...

lol i'm loving the place and company as well ;) good timing on both of our parts that we were able to room together!

Vims said...

Hi Farzeena..

Happy Happy New Year!!!!


Anonymous said...

nance! my friend's half egyptian half filipino here in singapore and she was telling me how once she was walking down the streets of egypt and some random guy offered to marry her and her sister by offering his camels to her dad! (a lotta camels!)


anyway! UPDATE YOUR BLOGGG i love reading it.

saw mary aunty on the world food blog page! she looks so cute!
but why call her bengali? she's bangladeshi DIFFURRENT HEH.

okay come to singapore and contact me so i can hear about your lovely experience in person!

one of my friends is teaching english in japan, for a year an i'm gonna visit her in april! i wanna do something like this too!

F said...

lol Bengali and mother is both, in my opinion. One is her ethnicity, and one is her nationality....although technically she is Singaporean....but screw that! :P