Wednesday, April 18, 2007


They say these are the 50 worst days of the year, where the khamaseen engulfs the city in a blanket of dust and sand. I've spent 50 days mainly cooped up indoors working in the office, so yesterday when I had to leave work in the middle of the day to get my Visa work done, I found myself caught up in a sandstorm for the first time ever.

The whole world was literally yellow. I stood in front of the Mogamma downtown, and the scene in front of me looked like something out of a 1950s photograph, yellowed with age. Sand lined the pavements and I spent the day in a scarf and sunglasses to prevent an annoying session of washing dust out of my hair that evening.

What I definitely did not expect was what I found upon coming home: My entire flat was covered in a layer of yellow dust. I'd left the windows open slightly from the night before because it was getting too warm, VERY BAD IDEA. The floor was swamped with sand, and when I lifted my pillows off my bed, there were 2 neat rectangular white patches on my sheets where the dust hadn't reached.

I'm too lazy to clean up. I need to get my cleaning lady to come in. Only problem is I don't have cleaning chemicals for her! Aah! Time to go shopping.

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