Monday, December 04, 2006

As usual, I am late. I’m meant to meet Nay-Nay at the supermarket to go for our first grocery shopping expedition. By the time I’m there, she’s done and coming back with 3 big bags of shopping. I ask her how much she spent, and realize I’m pitifully equipped with 30 pounds in my handbag. But I go ahead anyway.

Get to the supermarket and realize I don’t know Egyptian numbers….!

3 weeks in Cairo and I cant even read their goddamn numbers as yet. So I scope out everything with a price in single digits. If it’s a single digit, I must be able to afford it! Another good tip: Buy only products with Arabic writing on them i.e local produce. Cornflakes? Buy the Arabic version. Butter? Arabic butter, very good, very cheap.

Somehow, I manage to scrape by, paying only LE 34.50…..phew!!


F said...

saaaan!!! Omg i cant believe u read my blog not back in Singapore until like end of January/ early February! But when I'm back I'll be there for awhile! When you back from Montreal??

Anonymous said...

haha, im back xmas eve! call tarn and we can meet up! :) havent seen you in forever

Anonymous said...

nancy, you're seriously living the dream......

this is the kinda life i dream of
i wanna do an aiesec programme too, if you have any recommendations please lemme know, you know my qualifications! thanks