Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I hate Egypt day

I just had my first ‘I hate Egypt’ day. I've never had them before; Egypt and I have usually gotten on marvelously. I even managed to bypass ‘culture shock’ pretty smoothly, because I think it hit just when my mum visited in December, so I was very distracted with warm hugs and yummy food.

It really mainly consists of little things annoying you. People, most of the time. Before I was able to ignore men hassling me on the streets, and just keep walking by, but now if I hear one indecipherable comment in Arabic, my blood starts to boil and I want to thump the guy with a spiked bat. The hypocrisy of people’s attitudes are also starting to piss me off. Don’t give me a holier-than-thou attitude about the family values and Islamic, conservative values of this country if you have hordes of men assaulting and raping men on Eid downtown. "We are religious, but our men are sexually repressed rapists who will mass assault women on the streets if they can.” That’s not a country with family values, that’s a country with no clue how to bring up and control its people.

The Metro is doing my head in. I used to think it a wonder, since compared to my 60 LE taxi to Ericsson, getting a 1 LE train ride to Maadi anytime of the day is a breeze. But now its finally getting to me. The trains here have all women carriages, and while that is a blessing because you don’t have pervy men staring at you during your commute twice a day, it means being literally hoarded into the carriage like a cattle of cows. The trains get so so crowded here during peak hours, and the doors close shut so bloody fast that there is no such thing here as ‘letting passengers out before making your way in’. The doors open and its every woman for herself — sometimes I fear I wont be able to get out at my stop because of the women pushing their way in.

And I’m getting so angry these days that sometimes when I’m getting out I make it a point to stampede my way out and if I step on anyone’s foot or shove someones shoulder, I feel a distinct curl of pleasure inside me. And sometimes the carriage is so packed with women, and then there are even more women trying to push push push their way in, you don’t even have to hold a pole to prevent yourself from falling, the women around you do the job quite well.

Another thing. I listen to my iPod everyday on the train. Granted that women stare at me anyway since I look foreign, I think they stare at me more because of the iPod. I know this because on several occasions I have had someone asking about the iPod wondering what it is. Plus my earphones leak music. So one day, I’m sitting next to this woman reading the Quran on the metro, and she pokes me and tells me to basically turn down my music. Fair enough, but now every time I catch someone staring at me, I imagine them silently judging me for listening to my sinful Western music — ok ok I know I’m being a dickhead. For some reason, I’m finding niqabi women very threatening these days. It's never happened to me before. I don’t know what's prompting it now.

And I’m also having the opposite of I-hate-Egypt days. I’m having I-miss-The-West days too. Where you can walk the streets and no one stares at you or hisses dirty things into your ear. Where you can do a hop and a jiggle on the street, and no one will bat an eye. Where people understand me and I understand them.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I TOTALY agree Ive never been so harrased in my life in fact i was sexually assulted. Egypt needs to learn about respect for women and maybe introduce some pill for their discusting men and judging women( who are just as bad)

Anonymous said...

I am Egyptian but lived most of my 34 years of life in the US and I have to agree with this blog. It's utterly DISGUSTING what happens to women I have been here for three months and because it's so bad I don't want to walk down the streets or leave my parents' apartment. It's too much BS I am not Muslim and do not wear Hijab which seems to make it worse till i read that women who are veiled and wearing niqab also get sexually harassed. I can honestly say I hate my life here and can't wait to go back home. This is insane.

Anonymous said...

Egypt is a sick, filthy and disgusting nation, and that is why most Egyptians leave their trash homeland to settle somewhere else. It is a fact that most Egyptians are money loving evil hypocrites ,that is why one finds wahhabism mushrooming in between them more than any other nation, as they are people who are perhaps undeserving of having good..

Anju said...

You must not have read the full contents of my blog if you think this kind of comment flies here. this post was a one-off, all my other posts talk about how much I loved living there. So please... take your racist, prejudiced views elsewhere.

If you have spent even a week in Egypt and really come into contact with the people there, you will realise only that it is a great country with a great people. It has its issues, AS DOES ANY COUNTRY. Most egyptians don’t leave their homeland to live elsewhere, in fact I know more foreigners who want to make egypt their home instead. Stop wasting your time writing silly messages like these when you clearly have no clue.

Anonymous said...

I'm Half Egyptian,my father proposed that i live in Egypt in order for myself to learn more about my religion. After Spending 6 months in that shit-hole they call a country, i couldn't take it anymore. Religion? what religion? Men wear beards and women wear hijabs and veils and at the same time they lie, steal, are disrespectful,no etiquette, and most disturbing, they are not civilized. Egyptians are animals..POINT BLANK. THAT IS NOT ISLAM. I've met WHITE REDNECK AMERICAN MUSLIMS more pious than Egyptian muslims.Obviously Egyptians will tell you this is all not true.I dont know if they don't realize how they act, or maybe they do know and as usual they're deny the obvious truth. ITS THERE WE ALL SEE IT...ITS RIGHT IN FRONT OF US YOU DIRTBAGS.

Egypts a piece of f***ing shit. its a dirty country with dirty people.
Egyptians are liars,Thieves,Bullies,They're Ignorant,Arrogant, and especially obnoxious.Their way if life is tacky.everything about them is tacky.


Unknown said...

well lets talk ..first am Egyptian i had introduced to a scholar ship in Australia for studding master in graphic design ..1st about education all Egyptian had left their homeland are 100% successful outside why because they learned very hard in their country and why they always succeed because they are unusual people in thinking than others for example me i got the citizen in Australia because i got an amazing work and talent as they said to be compared to others people in my carrer in Australia..another thing ..Dr ahmed zoil had been introduced to be in NASA why because of his projects he discovered not a racist person but excuse me all nations we still have secrets in our old civilization about every thing in life no one ever from all over the nations had knew it..even after all knowledge they reached its not so far that the next generation FROM EGYPT which we are can proof that they still more success than others ..if they just got the right chance ..thats why they leave their homelands ..its not shame that every country have internal proplems comes from the government ..thats why in Australia all Europe and Britain people are here ..don't tell me europe people or british seeking for resident to stay in australia and leave their homeland because they like the weather or they like the food ..all countries governments 90% are very bad ..that's not shame to seek for your legend somewhere ..and as well that doesn't mean that your nations are disgusting..that u left your homeland... :)

Mohamed said...

hi everybody
first am egyptian n am iving in egypt .
i believed you n people here don't like for many reasons or bad situation from idiot person whatever man or , muslim or christian both .
but you realted everything to muslims because they are more than coptic people in egypt .
for muslims everyone in efypt know that ther are a real muslim n fake one .
only after u know the person u can judge on him but because you are a foreingers u can't on people or know how to treat with them .
Am like u i don't like communting
by metro it save ur time but people there are agressive because of crowded but try to use it in vacations it is wondeful .
let's back to the realtion between
islam and bad things .
u must know the obvious relation
it is opposite .
there is no realtion between isalm
and bad things just bad people here pretend that they are a good muslim to trust of them or they use it in bussines to cover them n keep the police away from them .

finally there are good ppl in egypt like the bad but u concentrate only on our mistakes or bad situation or treat with the wrong person .
our good ppl u can trust of them
they can help u in evrything n
in any bad situation u can find them before anyone trust me .
And don't forget our selfish government and stupid policy .
i wish to make it better .

Anonymous said...

I am egyptian & I hate egypt ...........

The people are very very very bad.

I live in a shit-hole, & I will keep living in it like I am condemned to TORTURE TILL DEATH .

There is no islam in Egypt, & though I am a mouslim I fucking hate this fucking country because people are money-craving lazy bitches who could suck your cock for some cash .

There are good people in egypt but they suffer like shit & are disrespected .

Many egyptians are deceitful lieying assholes that will rob you blind if you don't watch-out for them .

I hate to say this, but Egypt is - for me atleast - the worst country in the world .

If Egypt was a person I'd rape him, the torture his sorry ass, then cut his digits & limbs piece by piece, then I would burn the body & piss on the head, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


Anonymous said...

man take it easy your culture no one in the whole world have it already ..whats happening now is from the fuckin government ..they are fuckin robbers they rob every one have no power to say no because they are fuckin selfish ..but every country in the world having a problems and everyone concern am Egyptian too and i had very tough time in egypt but all i can say that we have the 1st culture exist in earth day from 40 or 30 years ago we were like the best country in the world and then ..things gone shit and thats what happened after ..and also one day we will be back just loyalty is something not for sell but its something have to be on and must be proud is like a train my friend what ever it stops it must be continue day it must move forward ..!

Anonymous said...

You may be right, but Egypt in particular is never comming back man .

Egypt is going to remain the world's shitiest place !!

I am not proud that I am Egyptian, in fact I feel like a piece of shit just by saying that I am Egyptian .

It's not just the egyptians that are driving me mad, bt it is also that shitty life that I live here .

My father is a professor in Cairo university & his salary is 2700 pounds ( i.e. 480 dollars ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The scavenger in saudi arabia gets paid more than that !!

so even though my father is a professor we can't afford shit .

finally, I want to say FUCK EGYPT from all my heart .

kos omek ya masr, ya balad ya bent el matnaka

Anonymous said...

I'm a foreigner who has lived and worked in Egypt for two years. I have developed close friendships with a few Egyptians, and I have been exposed to at least three different job locations. I've been a guest in countless Egyptian homes, as well as hosted a couple of dinners myself. My first few months here, I was in love with the country--I came in wide-eyed and admiring...but I'm afraid when I left, I left fighting off a growing racism. I've been mugged, screwed over by employers, victimized by incredibly unprofessional colleagues and government officials, sexually harassed by both of the Arabic tutors I hired, and have been extorted by more 'helpful' Egyptians than I could ever count. True to experience, the Egyptians who have traveled outside of Egypt know more than well what I'm talking about, and those that have only ever seen Egypt can see nothing wrong whatsoever.
Thank you for this blog, but if I were to give anybody advice, it would be to either get on board (accept) Egypt's abuse, or else leave before it makes you resentful...because there are some good Egyptians, surely--but you can't appreciate a flower if you're constantly fighting off da bees, if ya know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

I hate to join the chorus on hate - but my friends and I hate hate hate Egypt and Egyptian men. We met two really nice women who managed to redeem the image of Egyptians for us. However we travelled the entire country from Cairo to Sharm and every man we met along the way, without exception, was a dirty minded, sexually harassing, woman abusing little weasle. Thank God we went to Israel and the West Bank first and met nice, decent Muslim men or I would have thought it was Muslim men who were like that. No, it's Egytpian men and they should be ashamed of themselves.

I'm so glad I got to say that. I've been angry about it for a while now.

Unknown said...

hi there with all my respect to all nations there but i think there was a past conflict between the egyptians and the jews since 1970s..that because of the perevious war i know that was in the past but there is still people little sensitive to what happened what happened to you that because they little bit ridiculous and they wanna piss you off ..but they are absolutly normal with anyone else or may be not..but you had to understand that every place had the good and bad ..and if you are in a journey sure during that journey you will meet the bad the wild and the psycho and the kind if u had read the book called the alchemist. that can be in anywhere not only in egypt..i had a lot of citizens friends they went to egypt more than once and most of them from Europe and America they didn't faced any problems at all ..just name it a bad accompanist and pretend nothing happened..:)

Poor Egyptian said...

I want to KILL EGYPT .

Egypt = slutty bitch .

Egypt = thieves & serial killers .

Egypt = hell on earth

Egypt = SATAN

Egypt = shitloads of beggers

Egypt = " I will suck your dick for cash "


Unknown said...

ohh very poor hopless person nothing to say more than leaving bad feedback reflect your hopless life that you not doing anything in your life except being dodge person ..sorry man you are nothing ..keep your opinion private rather than reflecting your personality ..

Anonymous said...

hey ahmed who r u kidding man,every one knows how fucked up things in egypt are, basically its a shit-hole or as i like to call it"5orm teez el ard",i feel for u poor egyptian know exactly how u feel,being egyptian is like being scum of the earth,dont have money,aint accepted any where in the world.

I want to KILL EGYPT .

Egypt = slutty bitch .

Egypt = thieves & serial killers .

Egypt = hell on earth

Egypt = SATAN

Egypt = shitloads of beggers

Egypt = " I will suck your dick for cash "