Hello, My name is Pookie
Today, I went to the vet for the first time ever. Mummy wants to chop my balls off so my pee-pee stops smelling so much and I act less hyper. Mummy gets a little frightened when I jump up as high as her shoulder first thing in the morning. I can't help getting excited about discovering every morning that everyone didn't disappear off the face of the earth.
At the clinic, I met two more cats just like me. One was deaf, the other a little prettier. I was a little jealous. Mummy seemed to pay more attention to her, just because she had naturally kohled eyes and tiny little cute black nose. I bet it wasn't that natural — I bet it's Loreal. Anyway, I hissed at her. Mummy couldn't understand why. She expected me to be humping this stranger girl instead....I really need a woman after all. Apparently. But I don't. Mummy is all the woman I need.
Anyway, this evil stranger girl had a wierd Daddy. He kept trying to convince Mummy to let ME marry his kohl-eyed daughter, so that we could be companions. He kept talking about us 'getting married'. Did he mean....shag? Teehee. In the end, it turned out this dude had 9 other kitties and wanted to offload this one onto Mummy. Mummy started to get a little annoyed because this man just would not shut up about me marrying his daughter. So I hissed again. Mummy scolded me again. I'm so confused.
Say byebye to my ballsies!
1 comment:
is pookie gonna be shipped to singapore?
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