Goodbye Hughes Parry
Now it really does feel like it's all over. I moved out of halls today, Hughes Parry, my home for 2 out of the last 3 years of my life. I was out all day, but when I came home in the evening, it definitely felt really out of place, not returning to halls. Not having to head home before 7pm to catch dinner served in the kitchen, and having to warm my own food in the microwave. I realised just now, besides my 6 days in Madrid, I have spent practically every single night in the last 9 months in Room 227. Even though I felt like I never got attached to it, like I did to my 1st year room in halls, I realise I feel extremely displaced sitting here in my new room in my sisters flat. It's nice to be back with family, which I have really missed, but adapting to change is bound to be disconcerting in the beginning.
The last 7 days in halls anyway, have been very strange. Everyone left a week before me, so things were eerily quiet. Not surprisingly, I made sure I didn't spend much time indoors.
Anyhow, I've been looking forward to moving back into my sisters, down the road. Missed being with family, missed having a fridge and a kitchen. Packing as usual, was an absolute confusing nightmare. Not knowing what to pack for and when. Deciding what to send back to Singapore for good. Deciding what I need here over the summer. The last one week, with friends moving out, and then me today - had made this life-change ahead of me ever more stark, and it's been an emotional few days. I'm not sure if I'm less strong than I thought, or if I'm becoming stronger than I am at present. Maybe I've been in denial, trying to stay overly optimistic about leaving London, leaving my life that I've known for 6 years. Every act while packing was laden with meaning, like, packing up my winter clothing, realising I might not need them for a long, long time.

woah i can'tbeleive that we're all done with Uni! :S starts new now...
Packingmust'vebeen a nightmare, hope you've put the right things inthe right places.x
are you moving back to Singapore? oh no... first Aisha, now you... man London trips wont be the same for sure..
Not just yet! But I am leaving London for awhile. Going to work abroad for about 6 months, then work for awhile in Singapore and Dhaka, spend some time with the family. But don't worry I'll be back...nobody leaves London and never comes back. Even Aishah'll be back :)
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