Thursday, June 08, 2006

Warrior journalist

Before I get too tired to note what's going on, I started a work placement yesterday. I'm doing it with a local Asian newspaper here. 'Asian' here, by the way, refers to South Asian communities, namely Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis. I started of a little unsure, a little lacking in confidence, but today was excellent. I'm already finding stories, doing phone interviews, writing up little articles and even attending news meetings. Despite the lack of salary (i.e. none) I feel like a part of the team, because I'm always busy. The others are lovely, very patient, always ready to answer my (sometimes) daft questions.

I'm taking the bus into work, instead of tubing it. It takes about 30-45mins depending on traffic, which is much more than it would on the tube - but I enjoy winding through the City, watching the big shiny buildings gleam in the sunlight. And yes, the sun is out, so no freezing knickers while waiting for a bus. Also the bus drops me right outside home/work; perfect.

The day goes super quickly. I get an hour lunch but I returned back to the office after 20mins today, I was so eager to get on with my article. I like East London, it has a different vibe. One exciting development is I've discovered a 4 star prawn mayo jacket potato opposite work. Massive potato with more prawn mayo than a girl can handle. In case you didn't know, my mum and I have been conducting the Prawn Mayo Jacket Potato Grammy's since we moved to London. So far, the best was found in a little market in Cardiff, but I continue searching for a contender.

Only my 2nd day on the job, and already it's co
nfirmed for me even more why I'm doing it. Wrote a story today on this Sikh guy who created a Sikh-history based video game. I'll publish it when it's out, but just finding out what he was doing and being able to bring his message to the world, a message of interfaith peace and understanding, something very close to my heart, was enough to put a big bounce in my step the rest of the day. His website is: to find out what his message is about.

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