Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sunday comforts

I've missed doing this. Getting up late on a Sunday, going out getting the Sunday papers and reading them front to back for a good few hours (minus the money, business and sport sections of course). In fact, the last memory I have of doing this properly was when I was still living in Baker St. with my parents. I'd go out to WH Smith, grab anything, the Observer or the Sunday Times, sit down in Coffee Republic with a nice mocha frappucino (free obviously, courtesy of working there as a barista!) and whittle away time. That was 2.5 years ago! Since uni took off, life's been so busy, during term time, and even during vacations which were mostly spent abroad, I've just lost touch with some simple pleasures I used to indulge in when I had alot more time.

Speaking of newspaper, the other day at dinner, I was observing what section of the papers people tend to go for first. I found it can really reflect what direction people are going in or want to go. Amrita and Arun picked up the business section, and I, the travel section. Although Amrita did point out that she picked up the business section first only because I was hogging the main. lol.

Which section do you go for?


Anonymous said...

nancee ma dahln'

greetings from singapore.

I pretty much read everything except for stuff like it's the king's birthday or mm the finance section and classifieds!

i even read obituaries!

my favourite section is on environmental issues. i don't know why!


Amz said...

omg darling your blog is beautiful!!!!!!
cna't beleive i haven't visited it in time...kept going to the other one and getting rejected like a and my issues with getting passwords rite :S

Life seems nice and comfortable now...glad your enjoying your job..haha and your reporters kit is so cute...i'm gonna buy you a sexy little hat with a paper with PRESS written on it stuck in it. :P

I'm missing you loads tho...updates!

Anonymous said...

You bloody idiot. I pick up travel first, then business, and then sport money home magazine style etc. Travel is my domain too.

F said...

oh! Sorry man, looks like my theory has been disproved.