Monday, June 19, 2006


I feel like I must blog about this.

Meet Freaky.

The latest member of the flat.

Originally from Marchmont Street, she now humbly resides in Witley Court with us. We like to think we are doing our bit for the disabled world by adopting this fish.

Because, you see, she is a disabled goldfish.

Freaky here, has no control of her breath intake/outtake, causing her to frequently turn upside down because, as you can see, she is also very very......fat.

Supposedly, she was a bit of a celebrity in the fish store. Everyone always assumed she was dead, floating about upside down, but really, she just has a bit of trouble turning the big belly right side up.


Amz said...

hahaha omg so cute...ok but instead of freaky give her a nice name la, like Miracle or speciality fishdish :)

spread the good wooooorrddd blublub

F said...

hehehe you gotta come down and watch her. She's hilarious! Everytime I go past the fish tank, all i see her do is float around upside down. Sometimes she doesnt even bother fighting it. The other fish seem annoyed too, cuz she keeps bumping into them! And today, my sis stuck her finger into the tank and stroked Freaky's belly - and the dumb thing didn't even flinch! She just sat there, letting my sis pet her. What a wierdo!